Smoking Facts

Discover the latest facts and information about Smoking

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Woman free from smoking

Stop smoking treatments & alternatives – Pills, gum, devices &...

Stop smoking for good with our comprehensive guide to treatments like pills, devices, and more. Say goodbye to cigarettes and hello to a healthier life.
young person smoking

UK smoking decline stalls since Covid

Smoking has been declining for decades until now according to new research by University College London.

Quit smoking motivation – stay motivated while quitting

Find the motivation to quit smoking for good. Our tips and tricks will help you stay focused and on track. Get inspired to live a smoke-free life.

Nicotine side effects guide – Duration & addiction risk

Discover the side effects of nicotine and the risks of addiction with our guide. Learn about the duration of nicotine withdrawals.

Nicotine withdrawal & quitting vaping timeline guide

Looking to quit vaping or smoking? Discover Allen Carrs timeline guide for nicotine withdrawal and quitting vaping. Find effective strategies to break the addiction.

Smoking & sex – Benefits of quitting for sex drive

Discover how quitting smoking can improve your sex drive. Learn about the benefits & effects of quitting smoking on sexual health. Find out more here.

Benefits of quitting smoking timeline

Discover the timeline and benefits of quitting smoking. Improve your health, save money, and breathe easier. Learn more about what happens when you quit.
woman free from smoking in a field

Natural remedies to help you quit smoking

Learn how to quit smoking naturally with our guide. Discover natural methods that will help you kick the habit for good. Start your journey to better health.
woman after quittting

Smoking industry: stats, facts & side effects for 2024

Learn all you need to know about smoking in our comprehensive guide. Discover the latest facts, statistics, and potential side effects.
depressed man sitting down

How to quit smoking cold turkey: Pros, cons and tips

Learn how to quit smoking cold turkey with expert tips from Allen Carr. Discover the pros and cons of this method for a successful and healthier lifestyle.

Understand the short & long-term effects of quitting smoking

This article focuses on the various effects of quitting smoking on health, including the short-term and long-term benefits of quitting, as well as the potential health problems that may arise...

Smoking Statistics in the UK

Learn all you need to know about UK smoking in our comprehensive guide. Discover the latest facts, statistics, and potential side effects.