
Discover the latest facts and information about Smoking

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Smoking & tiredness: Why smoking & nicotine makes you tired

Find out if quitting smoking has a direct impact on your energy levels. Learn how nicotine affects your body and what to expect during the cessation process.

Should I read Allen Carr’s Easyway book or attend a...

This is a question I am often asked and it appears to confuse many a person. It is not surprising.

What happens during a seminar?

The seminar lasts around five hours, during which the therapist will help you to understand exactly what you do and why you do it. You may be surprised by much of what...

I have read the book yet at some point I...

The good news is that the method did work for you. The bad news is that at some point you got overconfident. The seminar will set you free – and more...

Do you use hypnotherapy in the seminars?

At the end of the seminar there is a short period of hypnotherapy / light relaxation designed to reinforce what you have learned during the main part of the seminar...

2.7m a year killed in Europe by smoking, alcohol, UPFs...

Discover how tobacco, alcohol, ultra processed foods and fossil fuels contribute to nearly a quarter of all deaths in Europe. New report by WHO.

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

You've got to be kidding me?

In a recent trading standards exercise in Cumbria, UK, just under 10% of shops tested sold a child cigarettes. However, Trading Standards claim to be “pleased the majority of off-licenses...

WHO research reports increase in female smoking rates worldwide

The E-­cigarette War

The presentation that BIG TOBACCO, BIG PHARMA, the anti tobacco & tobacco control establishment DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

Shocking new e­cigarette study! The e-­cigarette time bomb…

84% (eighty four per cent) of UK e­cigarette users still smoke!

The one habit that will more than DOUBLE your life...

Yahoo Finance article informing that Allen Carr's Easyway is available for free on some insurance policies.