Vaping Facts

Discover the latest facts and information about Vaping

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How long does it take for your lungs to heal...

Discover the effects of vaping on your lungs and whether they can heal. Our expert insights explore the impact of vaping on your respiratory health.

Nicotine side effects guide – Duration & addiction risk

Discover the side effects of nicotine and the risks of addiction with our guide. Learn about the duration of nicotine withdrawals.

Nicotine withdrawal & quitting vaping timeline guide

Looking to quit vaping or smoking? Discover Allen Carrs timeline guide for nicotine withdrawal and quitting vaping. Find effective strategies to break the addiction.

Smoking & sex – Benefits of quitting for sex drive

Discover how quitting smoking can improve your sex drive. Learn about the benefits & effects of quitting smoking on sexual health. Find out more here.
electronic vapes or e-cigarettes

Vaping & e-cigarettes: Stats & facts 2024

Learn about the facts & statistics regarding vaping usage to give you additional information to help you to quit vaping
lady vaping

Vaping side effects: the dangers & risks of vaping

A comprehensive guide on the side effects of vaping, including common and long-term effects

Teen vaping: spotting vaping & helping them quit

Learn how to identify signs of teen vaping and discover effective ways to help them quit. Allen Carr provides expert guidance and support.

Vaping around babies & kids – Safe or dangerous?

Learn the facts about vaping around babies and kids. Discover the potential health risks and take steps to keep your family safe.

What makes Allen Carr’s Easyway faciltators so special?

Discover what makes Allen Carr’s Easyway therapists so special and start today the best way to set yourself free from addictions with the best team.

Are kids attracted to vaping? Does it lead to them...

Discover if vaping is a gateway to smoking for kids. Our article examines if children are drawn to vaping, and the impact it may have on their smoking habits.

Does vaping to quit smoking work?

If you’re a smoker you might wonder does vaping help you quit smoking? or does vaping stop you smoking? Allen Carr’s Easyway supports anything that genuinely helps people escape the...

Is Vaping while Pregnant Safe? Guide to the Risks &...

Learn about the potential risks of vaping while pregnant and get your FAQs answered. Stay informed and protect your baby's health. Is it safe? Find out now.