
Learn how different aspects of your physical and mental health can be affected by smoking and improved by quitting

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Does Your Skin Pay a Price for your Sweet Tooth,...

Many of us are more likely to want to make a positive health choice based on vanity, such as how we look, rather than as a result of health concerns.

I Don’t do Self-help Books! Three Days Later I Quit

What happened was a surprise re-wiring of my brain. In spite of my scepticism - three days later I quit smoking!

2.7m a year killed in Europe by smoking, alcohol, UPFs...

Discover how tobacco, alcohol, ultra processed foods and fossil fuels contribute to nearly a quarter of all deaths in Europe. New report by WHO.

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

You've got to be kidding me?

In a recent trading standards exercise in Cumbria, UK, just under 10% of shops tested sold a child cigarettes. However, Trading Standards claim to be “pleased the majority of off-licenses...

WHO research reports increase in female smoking rates worldwide

The E-­cigarette War

The presentation that BIG TOBACCO, BIG PHARMA, the anti tobacco & tobacco control establishment DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

Shocking new e­cigarette study! The e-­cigarette time bomb…

84% (eighty four per cent) of UK e­cigarette users still smoke!

Do these 5 things to add more than a decade...

Great advice (including using Allen Carr's Easyway method) on how to add more than a decade to your life. quit smoking, quit drinking, be addiction free.

Are pro-vaping messages making it harder to quit?

Has anyone stopped to consider the impact on e-cigarette addicts and smokers who want to quit?

E-cigarette users 'seeking help in increasing numbers to quit vaping'...

The Evening Standard interview with Allen Carr’s Easyway: E-cigarette users are seeking help in increasing numbers to quit vaping, according to London’s biggest stop-smoking clinic Allen Carr’s Easyway. The number...

Vape products must not be sold as medicines - Daily...

John Dicey, Global CEO of Allen Carr’s Easyway stop smoking talks to Sunday Telegraph about the growing number of helping looking to quit vaping and the number under 16 years...