
Whether you need a little more encouragement, or are looking for some advice with how to stop drinking, we have a range of articles (and videos) to help you on your path to freedom and beyond.

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Alcohol abuse costs England £27bn annually

The financial and social cost of alcohol abuse in England shown in new study by Institute of Alcohol Studies & Guardian.

Mail on Sunday 29 Dec 2019 – Allen Carr quit...

Great article in the Mail on Sunday discussing the recent results of the randomised controlled trial that showed that Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking was almost twice as effective as the...

Allen Carr’s Easyway wins prestigious award

Allen Carr’s Easyway are delighted to announce that we have been awarded, “Best Wellbeing Service Provider” for our wellbeing at work. Read more below.

BBC Radio Documentary About Allen Carr

Presenter John Waite was given "Access All Areas" permission to tour the Worldwide HQ of Allen Carr's Easyway organisation in London, England, interviewing Allen Carr's wife, Joyce Carr, Robin Hayley...

Clinical Trial by Irish Government Indicates Superiority of Allen Carr's...

Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) by Irish Government Indicates Superiority of Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking Seminars
Pouring alcohol into glass

How to stop drinking - 6 tips to quit drinking...

This page will help you understand about the best method to help you to stop drinking - as well as our world famous top tips to quit drinking.
person smoking

2.7m a year killed in Europe by smoking, alcohol, UPFs...

Discover how tobacco, alcohol, ultra processed foods and fossil fuels contribute to nearly a quarter of all deaths in Europe. New report by WHO.

English kids drink more alcohol than any other nationality in...

Middle-class parents have normalised under-age boozing. England has the highest rates of alcohol consumption among school children. Read to find out more.

Drinking while pregnant – Effects on mother & baby

Discover the implications of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Learn about the effects on both mother and baby, and take proactive steps to mitigate the risks.
five people jumping for joy

Go sober for October: Embracing the Sober October challenge

This article will provide guidance and support to those participating in the Sober October challenge and importantly beyond October.
man suffering from alcoholism holding his head

What is alcoholism: symptoms, risks & treatments

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic condition characterised by the compulsive consumption of alcohol despite the negative consequences.

To Russia, with Love

I remember a conversation I had with Allen Carr in 1999. We were discussing our hopes and dreams for extending the reach of his Easyway method to every corner of...