
Learn how different aspects of your physical and mental health can be affected by smoking and improved by quitting

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The Growing Worldwide Team - Netherlands

Julia, a happy non-smoker in Canada

How do people find out how to stop smoking with...

Are Friends Electric? Electronic cigarettes

Another happy non-smoker from....Warsaw, Poland

Amazing stories of people who stop smoking using Allen Carr’s...

Amazing stories of people who stop smoking using Allen Carr’s...

Amazing stories of people who quit smoking - Annika Valtonen,...

Amazing stories of people who have used Allen Carr’s Easyway...

Amazing stories of happy non-smokers - Robert Tulip, UK

Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking Therapist Conference

Mail on Sunday 29 Dec 2019 – Allen Carr quit...

Great article in the Mail on Sunday discussing the recent results of the randomised controlled trial that showed that Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking was almost twice as effective as the...