
Discover the latest facts and information about Vaping

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Young man vaping

Vaping is as harmful as smoking for young people

Study reveals vaping may harm young lungs as severely as smoking. Discover health implications for youth vaping.
lady vaping

Vaping side effects: the dangers & risks of vaping

A comprehensive guide on the side effects of vaping, including common and long-term effects

Is vaping safer or worse than smoking cigarettes?

Discover whether vaping is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. Read our comprehensive analysis on the risks involved and make an informed decision.

Vaping while pregnant: Can you vape during pregnancy?

Learn about the potential risks of vaping while pregnant and get your FAQs answered. Stay informed and protect your baby's health. Is it safe? Find out now.
father vaping near his child

Vaping around babies & children – Safe or dangerous to...

Learn the facts about vaping around babies and kids. Discover the potential health risks and take steps to keep your family safe.
Fatigue after quitting smoking

Smoking & tiredness: Why smoking & nicotine makes you tired

Find out if quitting smoking has a direct impact on your energy levels. Learn how nicotine affects your body and what to expect during the cessation process.

6 ways to stop vaping in schools 

Stopping vaping in schools requires a combination of strategies that address both individual behaviour and broader environmental factors. Read on for some tips.
two teens vaping learn about teen vaping and statistics

Why is vaping popular with teens? Vaping statistics & facts...

E-cigarettes have been on sale for over 10 years but in recent years there has been a rapid increase in teenagers vaping.
group of young teenagers smoke electronic cigarettes outdoors. The vaper releases smoke from his mouth.

Close to one million youngsters in Britain trying vaping in...

New research shows 18% of 11 to 17-year-olds, approximately 980,000 young individuals, reported engaging in vaping this year. Read the full report.
electronic vapes or e-cigarettes

Vaping & e-cigarettes: Stats & facts 2024

Learn about the facts & statistics regarding vaping usage to give you additional information to help you to quit vaping
young lady vaping

How to tell if your teen is vaping 

A recent study found that only 40% of parents or guardians were aware that their child was vaping compared with 70% for smoking.

Spiked vapes in schools: Alarming levels of Spice found

Alarming findings from English schools where 1 in 6 vapes were found spiked with a dangerous synthetic drug "Spice".