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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and vaping

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UK smoking decline stalls since Covid

Smoking has been declining for decades until now according to new research by University College London.

Allen Carr’s Easyway on ITV News UK Vaping Epidemic

ITV interview with Paul Baker CFO & NHS Liaison Allen Carr's Easyway discussing the Vaping epidemic in UK

Allen Carr’s Easyway live on TalkTV UK disposable vape ban

TalkTV live interview with Paul Baker CFO & NHS Liaison Allen Carr's Easyway discussing the UK disposable vape ban

Breaking free: UK Government's proposed ban on disposable vapes

Allen Carr’s Easyway have been highlighting the risk to young people for many years.

The toxicity of vaping flavours - new research

New research highlights the toxicity of vaping “juices” regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not.

Teen vaper hospitalised as lung bursts

Vaping since she was 15 – she thought it was harmless. Read more about Kyla's story of being hospitalised.

50% of US schoolkids who try vapes become addicted

Findings from the CDC imply e-cigarettes possess greater "addictability" than public health experts believed
young person vaping

Surge in high nicotine vape use among young people

Alarming new research reveals a sharp rise in high-strength nicotine vape use, particularly in young adults, raising concerns about addiction and health risks.

Matt Lucas my favourite book Allen Carr's Easyway

In The Time today Matt Lucas unveils his favourite books which includes Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking

Do the Government really want to cure nicotine addiction?

UK tax revenue from tobacco excise and VAT in 2013 was £12.3bn! #QuitSmoking #StopSmoking

Is vaping encouraging children to smoke?

Early on in the development of the e-cigarette market, manufacturers stated that the target market was existing smokers. #QuitSmoking #StopSmoking

Research shows that e-cigarettes are 'as bad for the heart...

Public Health England are premature in seeing e-cigarettes as a ‘silver bullet’ for smoking #QuitSmoking #StopVaping