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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and caffeine

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BMJ study indicates that Allen Carr is a superior, drug-free...

Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking, which is completely drug free, twice as effective as the techniques (NRT) currently offered by the Irish Health Service following a fully independent Randomised...

I read "Seven Donuts-worth of Sugar in Starbucks Coffee" &...

Help is at hand for anyone suffering from sugar & carb addiction or caffeine addiction - with Allen Carr's video-on-demand programmes.

Does Queuing At Starbucks Make You Feel Like A Junkie?

Does standing in line at Starbucks make you feel like a junkie? Rehab for caffeine addiction? #QuitCaffeine #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr

RCT information presented to 7th European Conference Tobacco or Health...

The results of the Irish RCT on Allen Carr's Easyway was presented to 7th European conference Tobacco or Health (ECTOH)