
Discover the latest facts and information about Technology addiction

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Should Starmer ban smartphones for under 16s?

They provide open access to (and approaches from) an almost infinite variety of adult platforms

Shocking! A third of 5-7-year-olds use social media unsupervised

Ofcom calls for Big Tech to help but the issue needs tackling closer to home

Is social media and gaming addictive?

How is a mostly mental addiction so hard to break? What’s the difference between a movie and scrolling through TikTok or playing a computer game? Read more to find out

UK breeding a generation of teenage addicts says new study

The explosion of social media, selfies and mobile devices is priming a generation of UK teenagers for a lifelong struggle with addiction, according to research released today.

Phone addictions are on the rise and this is how...

Most digital users don’t even realise they are being controlled by their devices. Learn how to be free from tech, digital and smartphone addiction.

What makes Allen Carr’s Easyway therapists so special?

Discover what makes Allen Carr’s Easyway therapists so special and start today the best way to set yourself free from addictions with the best team.