
Learn how different aspects of your physical and mental health can be affected by sugar and improved by quitting

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What is the fastest way to lose weight?

There isn’t any point thinking “how to lose 3lb a week” or “how to lose 6lb a week” for two weeks if during the subsequent four weeks you gain the...

Kid dumps his zero nutrition breakfast trash on his way...

Can I lose weight with Allen Carr’s Easyway?

Just the thought of having to diet for the rest of your life is enough to put you off even trying to lose weight. It seems like an insurmountable challenge....

I Had Struggled With My Weight Since Childhood

I lost weight & got free from sugar addiction. I lost weight by changing the way I thought #QuitSugar #LoseWeight #NoMoreDiets #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr

Are you struggling to adopt a ‘flexitarian’ attitude to eating?

So is flexitarianism just another 'eating fad'? Well not really. It’s actually the most natural way of eating. All the evidence suggests that humans evolved as flexitarians. First eating vegetables,...

Does Your Skin Pay a Price for your Sweet Tooth,...

Many of us are more likely to want to make a positive health choice based on vanity, such as how we look, rather than as a result of health concerns.

Allen Carr's Easyway Survey indicates "Sugar Addiction Epidemic" - media...

New research from Allen Carr’s Easyway indicates that more than half of the UK population are currently at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

I Don’t do Self-help Books! Three Days Later I Quit

What happened was a surprise re-wiring of my brain. In spite of my scepticism - three days later I quit smoking!

I read "Seven Donuts-worth of Sugar in Starbucks Coffee" &...

Help is at hand for anyone suffering from sugar & carb addiction or caffeine addiction - with Allen Carr's video-on-demand programmes.

No need to count calories to lose weight or cure...

One reviewer said "Dr Michael Mosley explains the science while Allen Carr’s 'Good Sugar, Bad Sugar' method sorts out your head"

How to lose weight without struggling? - Women's Fitness Magazine

So, I put it to you - what are the...

The benefits of reducing or eliminating sugar are manifold. Firstly - ALL SUGAR IS NOT BAD. Sugar in certain forms is essential for healthy living. This is why it's a...