Wellbeing at Work

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Allen Carr’s ‘Easy Way’ method helped millions quit smoking, but...

A podcast on PB Whyy and a story from The Pulse, a weekly podcast which explores Allen Carr, the Allen Carr’s Easyway method, why medicine didn’t take him seriously and...

National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) & Allen...

NICE have reviewed Allen Carr's Easyway and concluded that it is a non-pharmacological option [drug free option] that could be considered for adults who want to stop smoking.

New research shows after 2 years 40% still not smoking

New independent research in Italy shows that after 2 years 40% still not smoking after attending Allen Carr's Easyway Seminars

Irish Study Into Most Effective Way To Quit Smoking

Allen Carr’s Easyway is taking part in a clinical trial in Dublin, Ireland to asses our overall success rate in comparison to Irish Health authorities.

RCT information presented to 7th European Conference Tobacco or Health...

The results of the Irish RCT on Allen Carr's Easyway was presented to 7th European conference Tobacco or Health (ECTOH)

NICE recommends Allen Carr’s Easyway for smoking cessation

Looking to quit smoking? NICE recommends Allen Carrs Easyway. This method has a high success rate and has helped many smokers break the habit for good.

Allen Carr, Smoking and The Dog Days podcast

In today’s The Dog Days Podcast John Dicey, Global CEO of Allen Carr’s Easyway takes Ian and Ollie through the Allen Carr journey and growth of the Easyway method

The issue of copyright theft

Allen Carr’s publishing exploits continue

We are delighted with the growing publishing pipeline which includes books on quitting smoking (updates to the method) as well as cannabis, cocaine & more.

Help treating alcohol and other drug addictions using the Allen...

Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking Clinics in London & Birmingham are not only the two original Allen Carr Clinics in the world (we now have more than 150 centres...

Allen Carr’s Easyway Helps WHO’s Global Effort

Allen Carr’s Easyway is a contributor in the World Health Organisation’s year-long global campaign “Commit to Quit” aiming to support people quitting tobacco.

World Health Organisation & Allen Carr’s Easyway

WHO today launches a global campaign called “Commit to Quit" and Allen Carr's Easyway will be one of only 8 partners including Google, Amazon, Facebook, J&J