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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and fear of flying

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Too Scared to Fly? You’re Not Alone

There is a lovely mention for Allen Carr’s Easyway to Enjoy Flying in an engaging piece by Conor Pope writing in The Irish Times.

Afraid of flying? Great article on Allen Carr in iNews

Many of us get nervous when it’s time to get on a plane but Allen Carr's Easyway can help you to overcome your fear of flying.

Do you want to get over your fear of flying?...

How to overcome your fear and enjoy flying. Lovely mention in Hello Magazine of Allen Carr's Easyway online on-demand video and book

Long haul flight tips: a survival guide to flying SAGA

Tips from SAGA for long haul flying, including using Allen Carr’s Easyway to Enjoy Flying book and Online Video Programme

BMJ study indicates that Allen Carr is a superior, drug-free...

Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking, which is completely drug free, twice as effective as the techniques (NRT) currently offered by the Irish Health Service following a fully independent Randomised...

Groundbreaking study reveals Allen Carr method trumps the Irish HSE’s...

Study shows that the Allen Carr Method nearly twice as effective as existing stop smoking options

Mail on Sunday - Allen Carr's Easyway twice as effective...

Big news breaking in the Irish Mail on Sunday based around a recent clinical trial in Ireland in which Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Seminars performed twice as well...

New clinical trial PROVES Allen Carr's Easyway are at least...

Two Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) show Allen Carr's Easyway is now a clinically proven, highly effective drug-free alternative to nicotine patches, gum, and e-cigarettes and the study should pave the...

Independent study proves Allen Carr’s Easyway is the most effective...

The leading stop smoking treatment, Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Seminars, which is completely drug free, has today received a major boost as a fully independent Randomised Control Trial...

Allen Carr’s ‘Easy Way’ method helped millions quit smoking, but...

A podcast on PB Whyy and a story from The Pulse, a weekly podcast which explores Allen Carr, the Allen Carr’s Easyway method, why medicine didn’t take him seriously and...

National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) & Allen...

NICE have reviewed Allen Carr's Easyway and concluded that it is a non-pharmacological option [drug free option] that could be considered for adults who want to stop smoking.

New research shows after 2 years 40% still not smoking

New independent research in Italy shows that after 2 years 40% still not smoking after attending Allen Carr's Easyway Seminars