
Whether you need a little more encouragement, or are looking for some advice with digital & tech addiction, we have a range of articles (and videos) to help you on your path to freedom and beyond.

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Podcast 9

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist who is joined by Cris Hay and Chrissie Hynde

Podcast 8

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist who is joined by Sir Richard Branson & Monique Douglas
Podcast Episode 6 Isabella and Jorge

Podcast 6

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist who is joined by Jorge and Isabel from Mexico.

Podcast 5

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist who is joined by Emma Hudson - Allen Carr's Easyway Mindfulness Practitioner

Podcast 4

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist who is joined by Ty Gray El - Internationally Renown Poet and Author

Podcast 3

The show is hosted by Colleen Dwyer, a senior Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist and Colleen is joined by the wonderful Panos Tzouras, who is head of Allen Carr’s Easyway Greece.
Nikki Glaser on Allen Carr's Easyway Podcast 1

Podcast 2 featuring global superstar comedian – Nikki Glaser

Second Part of our podcast with Nikki Glaser. Discover how she quit smoking with Allen Carr’s Easyway and then went on to also quit alcohol. Watch our podcast!

UK breeding a generation of teenage addicts says new study

The explosion of social media, selfies and mobile devices is priming a generation of UK teenagers for a lifelong struggle with addiction, according to research released today.

Smart phone dumb phone: free yourself from digital addiction

Smart Phone Dumb Phone: Free Yourself from Digital Addiction featured in this week’s ‘HELLO!’ magazine.

Spot the signs of gaming addiction & how to quit...

Learn how to spot the signs of gaming addiction and take the necessary steps to quit with our helpful guide. Get on the path to recovery today.

How I quit my phone addiction

Is checking your messages getting out of control? Then read how you can get healthier phone habits .

Phone addictions are on the rise and this is how...

Most digital users don’t even realise they are being controlled by their devices. Learn how to be free from tech, digital and smartphone addiction.